










地下城轨综合体结构动态服役性能演化理论与高效监测技术研究. “十四五”国家重点研发计划课题 (2024YFF0508103),2024.12-2027.11。

基于轻量化结构台阵的城市建筑地震灾害快速感知关键技术. 应急管理部重点科技计划 (2024EMST040403),2024.10-2026.9。

超长周期隔震技术研究. 中国地震局工程力学研究所基本科研业务费专项青年领军人才培育项目 (2024C07),2024.12-2028.12。


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[4]Wang XY, Qu Z. Dynamic reliability-based assessment for the seismic performance of semi-actively base-isolated buildings with hydraulic dampers. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 224, 2025: 112169.

[5]Wang XY, Qu Z. Advantage of base isolation in reducing the reliability sensitivity to structural uncertainties of buildings. Engineering Structures, 323(A), 2025: 119235.

[6]Fu HR, Cao YT, Qu Z. A substructure shake table test for nonstructural elements of various damage sensitivities in a fixed-based and a base-isolated building. Engineering Structures, 321, 2024: 119017.

[7]Liu HQ, Qu Z. Effect of loading sequences on the ultra-low-cycle fatigue performance of all-steel BBRs. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 222, 2024: 108987.

[8]Cao YT, Qu Z, Fu HR, Ji XD, Chakraborty S. A substructural shake table testing method for full-scale nonstructural elements. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 218, 2024: 111575.

[9]Feng YX, Li QQ, Qu Z. Frequency-sensitivity of the seismic damage to suspended ceilings. Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 52(7), 2023: 2006-2024.

[10]Wang FJ, Huang YL, Qu Z. Limitation of base isolation in protecting freestanding contents in buildings. Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 52(6), 2023: 1805-1822.

[11]Xie XX, Zhang LX, Qu Z. A critical review of methods for determining the damage states for the in-plane fragility of masonry infill walls. Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 26(9), 2022, 4523-4544.

[12]Qu Z, Kishiki S, Sakata H. The effect of strain rate and temperature on the hysteresis of shear dampers of LY225 low-yield-strength steel. Engineering Structures, 257(2022), 2022: 114123.

[13]Xie XX, Qu Z, Fu HR, Zhang LX. Effect of prior in-plane damage on the out-of-plane behavior of masonry infill walls. Engineering Structures, 226(2021), 2021: 111380.

[14]Xu JJ, Huang YL, Qu Z. An efficient and unconditionally stable numerical algorithm for nonlinear structural dynamics. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 121(20), 2020: 4614-4629.

[15]Qu Z, Gong T, Wang XY, Li QQ, Wang T. Stiffness and strength demands for pin-supported walls in RC moment frames. Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 146(9), 2020: 04020181.


2023/05 中国灾害防御协会科技进步二等奖(排名3)

2022/08 中国地震局领军人才

2021/11 全国应急管理系统先进工作者、二级英模

2021/07 中国地震局防震减灾科学成果二等奖(排名1)

2020/12 国务院政府特殊津贴

2020/12 全国科普工作先进工作者

2019/10 黑龙江省“龙江学者”青年学者

2019/09 国家百千万人才工程,有突出贡献中青年专家

2019/05 日本建筑学会著作奖(排名8)

2016/12 国家科技进步二等奖(排名7)

2015/12 中国地震局防震减灾科技成果一等奖(排名4)

2015/05 国际桥梁与结构工程师协会(IABSE)青年工程师贡献奖


