序号 | 第一作者/通讯作者 | 题目 | 期刊 | 卷 | 期 | 年 |
1 | 刘晓辉、曲 哲 | Effects of geometric nonlinearities on the vibration reduction performance of tuned mass dampers on top of flexible structures | ADVANCES IN STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING | 26 | 14 | 2023 |
2 | 赵一男、公茂盛 | New ground-motion prediction equations for significant duration of subduction intraslab and interface earthquakes in Japan | BULLETIN OF EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING | 21 | 12 | 2023 |
3 | 左占宣、公茂盛 | Shaking table test of an RC frame considering horizontal and vertical ground motions | BULLETIN OF EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING | 21 | 12 | 2023 |
4 | 马 荣 | Analytical Solution for the Transient Response of A Sloping Seabed Induced by A P-Wave Line Source | CHINA OCEAN ENGINEERING | 37 | 6 | 2023 |
5 | 何 静、黄 勇 | Empirical Vulnerability Analysis of Railway Bridge Seismic Damage Based on 2022 MENYUAN Earthquake | CIVIL ENGINEERING JOURNAL-STAVEBNI OBZOR | 33 | 3 | 2023 |
6 | 张雨婷、任叶飞 | Regional terrain-based VS30 prediction models for China | EARTH PLANETS AND SPACE | 75 | 1 | 2023 |
7 | 刘珠妹、张景发 | Implementation and verification of a real-time system for automatic aftershock forecasting in China | EARTH SCIENCE INFORMATICS | 16 | 2 | 2023 |
8 | 胡进军 | An unsupervised machine learning based ground motion selection method for computationally efficient estimation of seismic fragility | EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING & STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS | 52 | 8 | 2023 |
9 | 冯云幸、曲 哲 | Frequency-Sensitivity of the seismic damage to suspended ceilings | EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING & STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS | 52 | 7 | 2023 |
10 | 王飞剑、曲 哲 | Limitation of base isolation in protecting freestanding contents in buildings | EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING & STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS | 52 | 6 | 2023 |
11 | 谢志南 | Multi-axial unsplit frequency-shifted perfectly matched layer for displacement-based anisotropic wave simulation in infinite domain | EARTHQUAKE E NGINEERING AND ENGINEERING VIBRATION | 22 | 2 | 2023 |
12 | 吴碧野、戴君武 | Numerical simulation on the seismic performance of retrofitted masonry walls based on the combined finite-discrete element method | EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING AND ENGINEERING VIBRATION | 22 | 3 | 2023 |
13 | 王 涛 | Preliminary investigation of building damage in Hatay under February 6, 2023 Turkey earthquakes | EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING AND ENGINEERING VIBRATION | 22 | 4 | 2023 |
14 | 王晓岳、曲 哲 | Role of dampers on the seismic performance of pin-supported wall-frame structures | EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING AND ENGINEERING VIBRATION | 22 | 2 | 2023 |
15 | 吴碧野、柏 文 | Triaxial elastoplastic damage constitutive model of unreinforced clay brick masonry wall | EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING AND ENGINEERING VIBRATION | 22 | 1 | 2023 |
16 | 渠艳龄 | Development of a fully automatic damage simulation framework for quasi-brittle materials | ENGINEERING ANALYSIS WITH BOUNDARY ELEMENTS | 157 | 2023 | |
17 | 邱 霖 | Numerical simulation and experimental validation of the seismic response of suspended grooved-fit piping systems | ENGINEERING STRUCTURES | 293 | 2023 | |
18 | 郭 磊 | Seismic design and hybrid simulation test of existing concrete frames upgraded by metallic damper | ENGINEERING STRUCTURES | 291 | 2023 | |
19 | 刘振林、张令心 | Seismic performance improvement using bolt-on isolators on interconnected slender electrical equipment | ENGINEERING STRUCTURES | 289 | 2023 | |
20 | 李廷辉、刘金龙 | Time-varying seismic fragility analysis of bridges under the condition of the scour and freeze -thaw cycles | EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND CIVIL ENGINEERING | 27 | 3 | 2023 |
21 | 朱景宝、宋晋东 | Rapid earthquake magnitude estimation combining a neural network and transfer learning in China: Application to the 2022 Lushan M6.1 earthquake | FRONTIERS IN PHYSICS | 11 | 2023 | |
22 | 王 傲、卢建旗 | Prediction of PGA in earthquake early warning using a long short-term memory neural network | GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL | 234 | 1 | 2023 |
23 | 宋晋东、李山有 | MEANet: Magnitude estimation via physics -based features time series, an attention mechanism, and neural networks | GEOPHYSICS | 88 | 1 | 2023 |
24 | 穆海龙、孟上九 | Research on a mining area risk management system based on internal control theory | GOSPODARKA SUROWCAMI MINERALNYMI- MINERAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT | 39 | 4 | 2023 |
25 | 单振东 | An analytical solution for the dynamic response of a seawater-sloping seabed- bedrock system under an oblique incident P wave | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR NUMERICAL AND ANALYTICAL METHODS IN GEOMECHANICS | 47 | 11 | 2023 |
26 | 赵登科、王自法 | A Rapid Estimation Method for Post -earthquake Building Losses | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DISASTER RISK SCIENCE | 14 | 3 | 2023 |
27 | 朱景宝、宋晋东 | On-site instrumental seismic intensity prediction for China via recurrent neural network and transfer learning | JOURNAL OF ASIAN EARTH SCIENCES | 248 | 2023 | |
28 | 靳宇航、周中一 | Experimental study on the seismic performance of clay brick masonry wall strengthened with stainless steel strips | JOURNAL OF BUILDING ENGINEERING | 69 | 2023 | |
29 | 雷远德 | Shaking table tests of base-isolated reinforced concrete frame by double friction pendulum bearings | JOURNAL OF BUILDING ENGINEERING | 69 | 2023 | |
30 | 张 戈、孙柏涛 | RC column damaged classification based on deep contrasted attention | JOURNAL OF CIVIL STRUCTURAL HEALTH MONITORING | 13 | 1 | 2023 |
31 | 郭 磊 | Seismic performance and damage assessment of CFDST frames with SBYC damper | JOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTIONAL STEEL RESEARCH | 206 | 2023 | |
32 | 陈龙伟 | A Simplified Displacement Spectrum Model Based on Recent Digital Strong-Motion Data | JOURNAL OF EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING | 27 | 6 | 2023 |
33 | 强生银、王宏伟 | Characteristics of Strong Ground Motions from Four MS≥5.0 Earthquakes in the 2021 Yangbi, Southwest China, Seismic Sequence | JOURNAL OF EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING | 27 | 14 | 2023 |
34 | 胡进军 | Estimation of the Damage-Based Residual Displacement Spectrum for Simple Structures | JOURNAL OF EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING | 27 | 2 | 2023 |
35 | 胡进军、胡 磊 | Offshore Ground Motion Models for Arias Intensity and Cumulative Absolute Velocity in the Japan Trench Area | JOURNAL OF EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING | 27 | 14 | 2023 |
36 | 唐泽人、孙柏涛 | Study on Empirical Formulas and Distribution Ranges of Vibration Periods in High-Rise Reinforced Concrete Constructions | JOURNAL OF EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING | 27 | 9 | 2023 |
37 | 侯宝瑞、宋晋东 | Support Vector Machine-Based On-Site Prediction for China Seismic Instrumental Intensity from P-Wave Features | PURE AND APPLIED GEOPHYSICS | 180 | 10 | 2023 |
38 | 胡进军 | A Real-Time Seismic Intensity Prediction Framework Based on Interpretable Ensemble Learning | SEISMOLOGICAL RESEARCH LETTERS | 94 | 3 | 2023 |
39 | 靳超越、胡进军 | A new ground-motion simulation procedure based on feature extraction matching multiple intensity measures | SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING | 168 | 2023 | |
40 | 王义德、汪云龙 | Effects of membrane compliance on the normal-scale triaxial cyclic liquefaction test results of saturated coral sand | SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING | 171 | 2023 | |
41 | 李金恺、单振东 | Effects of the fluid-solid interface conditions on the dynamic responses of the saturated seabed during earthquakes | SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING | 165 | 2023 | |
42 | 王海云 | In-situ shear-strain profile assessment in geotechnical array with ground motion data | SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING | 165 | 2023 | |
43 | 强生银、温瑞智 | Investigating the effects of structural parameters on seismic aggravation of two- dimensional sedimentary valleys | SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING | 171 | 2023 | |
44 | 公茂盛、赵一男 | New ground-motion prediction equations for significant duration of shallow crustal and upper mantle earthquakes in Japan and intra- event spatial correlation | SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING | 171 | 2023 | |
45 | 谭景阳、胡进军 | Offshore ground motion characteristics on the horizontal PGA, spectral acceleration, frequency content and significant duration from the 2021 Mw 7.1 and 2022 Mw 7.4 offshore earthquakes near the Japan Trench area | SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING | 164 | 2023 | |
46 | 胡进军 | Regional offshore ground motion prediction model from a referenced empirical approach: A case study in the Japan Trench area | SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING | 174 | 2023 | |
47 | 沈俊凯、张令心 | Structural floor acceleration denoising method using generative adversarial network | SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING | 173 | 2023 | |
48 | 张令心、陈永盛 | Calculations of additional axial force and coupling ratio for coupled shear walls | STRUCTURES | 47 | 2023 | |
49 | 孙得璋 | Comparative experimental study on shaking table test of small radius curved bridge considering different connection types between pier and beam | STRUCTURES | 58 | 2023 | |
50 | 邵志鹏、柏 文 | Monitoring and analysis of railway-induced vibration and structure-borne noise in a transit oriented development project | STRUCTURES | 57 | 2023 | |
51 | 王 涛、王啸霆 | Seismic performance of truss-wall joints in high-rise connected structures | STRUCTURES | 58 | 2023 | |
52 | 张令心、李 锐 | Seismic stressing state evolution features of a FRP-BF structure revealed by modelling tested strain data | STRUCTURES | 58 | 2023 | |
53 | 王 薇、柏 文 | Study on the strong earthquake failure mechanism of space grid structure considering rotational ground motion | STRUCTURES | 57 | 2023 | |
54 | 李红旭、黄 勇 | Construction Stage Seismic Resilience Evaluation of a Continuous Girder Bridge with the Cast-in-Place Cantilever Construction Method | TEHNICKI VJESNIK -TECHNICAL GAZETTE | 30 | 4 | 2023 |
55 | 丁祎天、胡进军 | 基于多参数驱动机器学习的实时地震烈度预测模型 | 地球物理学报 | 66 | 7 | 2023 |
56 | 宋晋东、李山有 | 2022年1月8日青海门源6.9级地震机器学习地震预警震级估计与现地阈值报警的回溯验证 | 地球物理学报 | 66 | 7 | 2023 |
57 | 袁小祥 | 基于震前高分影像和震害仿真的建筑物震害快速评估:以四川泸定6.8级地震为例 | 地球物理学报 | 66 | 4 | 2023 |
58 | 崔 鑫、胡进军 | 2021年日本福岛海域7.1地震S-net海底地震动特征 | 地球物理学报 | 66 | 1 | 2023 |
59 | 王自法 | 基于深层卷积神经网络的震级快速估算方法 | 地球物理学报 | 66 | 1 | 2023 |
60 | 王啸霆、王 涛 | Experimental validation on seismic performance of a monolithic precast RC shear wall structure with novel connections | ADVANCES IN STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING | 25 | 5 | 2022 |
61 | 胡进军、来庆辉 | Ranking of ground motions destructive capacity for low- and middle-rise RC frame structures based on a comprehensive intensity measure | ADVANCES IN STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING | 25 | 8 | 2022 |
62 | 田英鹏、王 涛 | Reproduction of seismic responses of wind turbine tower by hybrid tests considering shear and bending coupled boundary control | ADVANCES IN STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING | 25 | 13 | 2022 |
63 | 里巴黎、胡进军 | Estimation of constant-damage residual displacements in terms of maximum inelastic displacements for SDOF structures | BULLETIN OF EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING | 20 | 2 | 2022 |
64 | 刘巴黎、胡进军 | Exploratory factor analysis-based method to develop compound intensity measures for predicting potential structural damage of ground motion | BULLETIN OF EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING | 20 | 13 | 2022 |
65 | 聂桂波 | Shaking table test and numerical analysis of single-layer reticulated domes with or without three-dimensional isolation bearing | BULLETIN OF EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING | 20 | 11 | 2022 |
66 | 胡进军、刘名吉 | Damping Modification Factors for Horizontal and Vertical Acceleration Spectra from Offshore Ground Motions in the Japan Sagami Bay Region | BULLETIN OF THE SEISMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA | 112 | 5 | 2022 |
67 | 刘赫奕、宋晋东 | Discrimination between Earthquake P Waves and Microtremors via a Generative Adversarial Network | BULLETIN OF THE SEISMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA | 112 | 2 | 2022 |
68 | 王宏伟、温瑞智 | Integrating Effects of Source-Dependent Factors on Sediment-Depth Scaling of Additional Site Amplification to Ground- Motion Prediction Equation | BULLETIN OF THE SEISMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA | 112 | 1 | 2022 |
69 | 朱景宝、宋晋东 | Support Vector Machine-Based Rapid Magnitude Estimation Using Transfer Learning for the Sichuan-Yunnan Region, China | BULLETIN OF THE SEISMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA | 112 | 2 | 2022 |
70 | 王 江、马 强 | Weak Predictability of Rupture Growth Evidenced by P Waves: Implications for Earthquake Early Warning | BULLETIN OF THE SEISMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA | 112 | 5 | 2022 |
71 | 董 瑞、单振东 | Rigorous solution for kinematic response of end-bearing pile under vertically incident P-waves | COMPUTERS AND GEOTECHNICS | 150 | 2022 | |
72 | 田凯歌、邢 锋 | Engineering and micro-properties of alkali -activated slag pastes with Bayer red mud | CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS | 351 | 2022 | |
73 | 王 冲 | Ground Motion Simulations for the 19 January 2020 Jiashi, China, Earthquake Using Stochastic Finite-Fault Approach | EARTH AND SPACE SCIENCE | 9 | 12 | 2022 |
74 | 肖 莹 | XYtracker: a new approach to estimate fault rupture extent in real time for large earthquakes | EARTH PLANETS AND SPACE | 74 | 1 | 2022 |
75 | 谢志南 | Basin effect quantitation of four deep basins in Japan to explain the gap between empirical and numerical basin-depth effect models | EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING & STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS | 51 | 13 | 2022 |
76 | 田英鹏、王 涛 | Shaking-table substructure test using a MDOF boundary-coordinating device | EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING & STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS | 51 | 15 | 2022 |
77 | 刘汉泉、曲 哲 | A discretely damped SDOF model for the rocking response of freestanding blocks | EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING AND ENGINEERING VIBRATION | 21 | 3 | 2022 |
78 | 张令心、沈俊凯 | A review of the research and application of deep learning-based computer vision in structural damage detection | EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING AND ENGINEERING VIBRATION | 21 | 1 | 2022 |
79 | 姜 涛、柏 文 | Finite element analysis of an all-steel buckling- restrained brace | EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING AND ENGINEERING VIBRATION | 21 | 4 | 2022 |
80 | 徐 丹 | Over-height truck collisions with railway bridges: attenuation of damage using crash beams | EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING AND ENGINEERING VIBRATION | 21 | 1 | 2022 |
81 | 王 皓、陈洪富 | Performance-based seismic evaluation and practical retrofit techniques for buildings in China | EARTHQUAKES AND STRUCTURES | 22 | 5 | 2022 |
82 | 郭 磊 | Experimental study and analytical evaluation on seismic performance of CECFST moment resisting frame with bolted connections | ENGINEERING STRUCTURES | 259 | 2022 | |
83 | 林旭川 | Experimental study on seismic behavior of the damage-control steel plate fuses for beam-to- column connection | ENGINEERING STRUCTURES | 270 | 2022 | |
84 | 曲 哲 | The effect of strain rate and temperature on the hysteresis of shear dampers of LY225 low- yield-strength steel | ENGINEERING STRUCTURES | 257 | 2022 | |
85 | 杜春波、王 涛 | Development of an Integrated Load Testing Device for a Substructure Hybrid Test of a Curved Bridge | EXPERIMENTAL TECHNIQUES | 46 | 3 | 2022 |
86 | 宋晋东、李山有 | On-site alert-level earthquake early warning using machine-learning-based prediction equations | GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL | 231 | 2 | 2022 |
87 | 周中一 | Seismic behaviour of composite shear wall with steel reinforced concrete frame and embedded perforated-steel plate | GRADEVINAR | 74 | 5 | 2022 |
88 | 朱景宝、宋晋东 | Hybrid Deep-Learning Network for Rapid On- Site Peak Ground Velocity Prediction | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING | 60 | 2022 | |
89 | 陶正如 | Economic resilience in California against two earthquakes | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DISASTER RISK REDUCTION | 76 | 2022 | |
90 | 聂桂波 | Shaking Table Study of the Three-Dimensional Isolation of a Cylindrical Reticulated Shell | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STEEL STRUCTURES | 22 | 2 | 2022 |
91 | 杜春波、王 涛 | Online Model Updating Method with Multiple Inputs Considering Realistic Boundary Conditions in Hybrid Tests | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL STABILITY AND DYNAMICS | 22 | 15 | 2022 |
92 | 李永强 | Assessment of compositional changes of carbonated cement pastes subjected to high temperatures using in-situ Raman mapping and XPS | JOURNAL OF BUILDING ENGINEERING | 45 | 2022 | |
93 | 王卓鑫、熊立红 | Out-of-plane performance of infilled frames with the improved flexible connection | JOURNAL OF BUILDING ENGINEERING | 51 | 2022 | |
94 | 徐开元、王啸霆 | Seismic behaviors of steel truss-embedded steel-concrete composite shear walls | JOURNAL OF BUILDING ENGINEERING | 49 | 2022 | |
95 | 聂桂波 | Shaking table test of space double-layer cylindrical reticulated shell with three- dimensional isolation bearing | JOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTIONAL STEEL RESEARCH | 189 | 2022 | |
96 | 谢贤鑫、曲 哲 | A Critical Review of Methods for Determining the Damage States for the In-plane Fragility of Masonry Infill Walls | JOURNAL OF EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING | 26 | 9 | 2022 |
97 | 孙柏涛 | Analysis of the Seismic Vulnerability of Buildings in the Lushan M(s)7.0 Earthquake in the Sichuan Province of China | JOURNAL OF EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING | 26 | 2 | 2022 |
98 | 张昊宇 | Experiments on the Hysteretic Response of Self-Centering RC Columns Prestressed by Unbonded Posttensioned Tendons | JOURNAL OF EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING | 26 | 13 | 2022 |
99 | 冀 昆、任叶飞 | HVSR-based Site Classification Approach Using General Regression Neural Network (GRNN): Case Study for China Strong Motion Stations | JOURNAL OF EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING | 26 | 16 | 2022 |
100 | 孙 锐、袁晓铭 | Influencing Factors and New Calculation Formulae for the Stress Reduction Coefficient | JOURNAL OF EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING | 26 | 4 | 2022 |
101 | 杜 轲 | Quantifying Uncertainties in Ground Motion- Macroseismic Intensity Conversion Equations. A Probabilistic Relationship for Western China | JOURNAL OF EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING | 26 | 4 | 2022 |
102 | 曹宇腾、曲 哲 | Response Spectrum Analysis of Peak Floor Accelerations of Buildings under Earthquakes | JOURNAL OF EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING | 26 | 14 | 2022 |
103 | 胡进军、胡进军 | Support Vector Machine Method for Developing Ground Motion Models for Earthquakes in Western Part of China | JOURNAL OF EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING | 26 | 11 | 2022 |
104 | 胡进军、胡进军 | Uncertainty Analysis and Spatial Correlation of Ground Motion in the Kanto Basin, Japan | JOURNAL OF EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING | 26 | 13 | 2022 |
105 | 陶冬旺、马 强 | Analysis of near-field strong motion observations and damages of Menyuan earthquake on 8 January 2022 based on dense MEMS stations | JOURNAL OF SEISMOLOGY | 26 | 6 | 2022 |
106 | 吴厚礼、郭恩栋 | Shaking Table Test of Water Supply Pipes Installed in a Full-Scale Masonry Structure | KSCE JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING | 26 | 2 | 2022 |
107 | 江 健 | Multi-bolt looseness state monitoring using the recursive analytic based active sensing technique | MEASUREMENT | 191 | 2022 | |
108 | 黄 勇 | Seismic performance of continuous curved girder bridge with high pier in Maduo earthquake and characteristic analysis | MULTIDISCIPLINE MODELING IN MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES | 18 | 6 | 2022 |
109 | 常晁瑜 | Distribution of large- and medium-scale loess landslides induced by the Haiyuan Earthquake in 1920 based on field investigation and interpretation of satellite images | OPEN GEOSCIENCES | 14 | 1 | 2022 |
110 | 汪 源 | Exploring Magnitude Estimation for Earthquake Early Warning Using Available P-Wave Time Windows Based on Chinese Strong-Motion Records | PURE AND APPLIED GEOPHYSICS | 179 | 11 | 2022 |
111 | 陶正如 | Test of a PSHA Map of China with Fortification Benefit Evaluation | PURE AND APPLIED GEOPHYSICS | 179 | 11 | 2022 |
112 | 朱景宝、宋晋东 | Magnitude Estimation for Earthquake Early Warning with Multiple Parameter Inputs and a Support Vector Machine | SEISMOLOGICAL RESEARCH LETTERS | 93 | 1 | 2022 |
113 | 胡进军、靳超越 | Support Vector Regression for Developing Ground-Motion Models for Arias Intensity, Cumulative Absolute Velocity, and Significant Duration for the Kanto Region, Japan | SEISMOLOGICAL RESEARCH LETTERS | 93 | 3 | 2022 |
114 | 袁近远、汪云龙 | Comprehensive investigation and analysis of liquefaction damage caused by the M(s)7.4 Maduo earthquake in 2021 on the Tibetan Plateau, China | SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING | 155 | 2022 | |
115 | 孙柏涛 | Dynamic response of a half-space with a depression covered by viscous liquid under SH waves | SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING | 154 | 2022 | |
116 | 胡进军、谭景阳 | GMPEs for elastic input energy spectra of horizontal and vertical offshore ground motions based on the ETMC database in Japan | SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING | 155 | 2022 | |
117 | 陈夏楠、林旭川 | Method for rapidly generating urban damage scenarios under non-uniform ground motion input based on matching algorithms and time history analyses | SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING | 152 | 2022 | |
118 | 宗成才、温瑞智 | Seismic resilient three-stage enhancement for gas distribution network using computational optimization algorithms | SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING | 152 | 2022 | |
119 | 温 攀 | Simplified procedure for simulating artificial non-stationary multi-point earthquake accelerograms | SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING | 156 | 2022 | |
120 | 常晁瑜 | Study on instability and damage of a loess slope under strong ground motion by numerical simulation | SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING | 152 | 2022 | |
121 | 李吉超、王 涛 | Probability-based seismic resilience assessment method for substation systems | STRUCTURE AND INFRASTRUCTURE ENGINEERING | 18 | 1 | 2022 |
122 | 徐开元 | Cyclic tests on steel truss-embedded steel plate-concrete composite walls | STRUCTURES | 46 | 2022 | |
123 | 聂桂波 | Experimental study of collapse behavior of single-layer cylinder shells with infilled walls | STRUCTURES | 36 | 2022 | |
124 | 张令心、陈夏楠 | Investigation on the seismic performance of single-span RC frame school buildings retrofitted with wing walls under different seismic design intensities | STRUCTURES | 44 | 2022 | |
125 | 俎 林、黄 勇 | Seismic damage analysis of Yematan Bridge under near-fault earthquakes | STRUCTURES | 41 | 2022 | |
126 | 张雨婷、任叶飞 | 基于决策树考虑地形特征的场地参数估计方法 | 地球物理学报 | 65 | 2 | 2022 |
127 | 朱景宝、李山有 | 基于深度卷积神经网络的2021年5月21—22日云南漾濞地震和青海玛多地震震级估算 | 地球物理学报 | 65 | 2 | 2022 |
128 | 杜 轲 | Comparative Seismic Performance Assessment of Reinforced Concrete Frame Structures with and without Structural Enhancements Using the FEMA P-58 Methodology | ASCE-ASME JOURNAL OF RISK AND UNCERTAINTY IN ENGINEERING SYSTEMS PART A- CIVIL ENGINEERING | 7 | 4 | 2021 |
129 | 柏 文、戴君武 | Damage assessment of Shuanghe Confucian temple after Changning earthquake mainshock and aftershocks series | BULLETIN OF EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING | 19 | 14 | 2021 |
130 | 冀 昆、温瑞智 | Disaggregation of probabilistic seismic hazard and construction of conditional spectrum for China | BULLETIN OF EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING | 19 | 14 | 2021 |
131 | 左占宣、公茂盛 | Seismic performance of RC frames with different column-to-beam flexural strength ratios under the excitation of pulse-like and non-pulse-like ground motion | BULLETIN OF EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING | 19 | 12 | 2021 |
132 | 孙义强 | Deterioration effect of freeze-thaw on mechanical properties of roadbed clay under unfavorable conditions | BULLETIN OF ENGINEERING GEOLOGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT | 80 | 6 | 2021 |
133 | 冀 昆、温瑞智 | Empirical Correlations between Generalized Ground-Motion Intensity Measures for Earthquakes in China | BULLETIN OF THE SEISMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA | 111 | 1 | 2021 |
134 | 张健超、邢 锋 | Evolutionary trace for ductile fracture performance of rubber-cement composites | CEMENT & CONCRETE COMPOSITES | 121 | 2021 | |
135 | 李永强 | Chemical and mineralogical characteristics of carbonated and uncarbonated cement pastes subjected to high temperatures | COMPOSITES PART B- ENGINEERING | 216 | 2021 | |
136 | 田凯歌、邢 锋 | Alkali-activated artificial aggregates fabricated by red mud and fly ash: Performance and microstructure | CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS | 281 | 2021 | |
137 | 冀 昆、温瑞智 | Genetic algorithm-based ground motion selection method matching target distribution of generalized conditional intensity measures | EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING & STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS | 50 | 6 | 2021 |
138 | 周惠蒙、王 涛 | Multi-degree-of-freedom force-displacement mixed control strategy for structural testing | EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING & STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS | 50 | 2 | 2021 |
139 | 李吉超、王 涛 | Functionality analysis of an urban water supply network after strong earthquakes | EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING AND ENGINEERING VIBRATION | 20 | 2 | 2021 |
140 | 公茂盛、左占宣 | Influence of the column-to-beam flexural strength ratio on the failure mode of beam- column connections in RC frames | EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING AND ENGINEERING VIBRATION | 20 | 2 | 2021 |
141 | 王 涛 | Seismic force demands on acceleration- sensitive nonstructural components: a state-of- the-art review | EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING AND ENGINEERING VIBRATION | 20 | 1 | 2021 |
142 | 毛晨曦 | Seismic performance evaluation of a self- centering precast reinforced concrete frame structure | EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING AND ENGINEERING VIBRATION | 20 | 4 | 2021 |
143 | 王 津 | Behaviour of steel-concrete-steel sandwich walls with EC connectors under out-of-plane patch loads | ENGINEERING STRUCTURES | 238 | 2021 | |
144 | 聂桂波 | Collapse of the spatial double-layer cylinder shell by experimental study | ENGINEERING STRUCTURES | 245 | 2021 | |
145 | 谢贤鑫、曲 哲 | Effect of prior in-plane damage on the out-of- plane behavior of masonry infill walls | ENGINEERING STRUCTURES | 226 | 2021 | |
146 | 江 健、戴君武 | Old-New Concrete Interfacial Bond Slip Monitoring in Anchored Rebar Reinforced Concrete Structure Using PZT Enabled Active Sensing | FRONTIERS IN MATERIALS | 8 | 2021 | |
147 | 刘珠妹 | Long-Term Resilience Curve Analysis of Wenchuan Earthquake-Affected Counties Using DMSP-OLS Nighttime Light Images | IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING | 14 | 2021 | |
148 | 宣功奉、刘金龙 | Construction of seismic disaster scenario for road traffic network in mountainous city | INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SMART TRANSPORTATION AND CITY ENGINEERING 2021 | 12050 | 2021 | |
149 | 单振东 | Transient wave propagation in a multi-layered soil with a fluid surface layer: 1D analytical/semi-analytical solutions | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR NUMERICAL AND ANALYTICAL METHODS IN GEOMECHANICS | 45 | 13 | 2021 |
150 | 聂桂波 | Three-Dimensional Seismic Isolation Study of Single-Layer Reticulated Domes by Parameter Analysis | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STEEL STRUCTURES | 21 | 6 | 2021 |
151 | 谭景阳、胡进军 | A prediction model for vertical-to-horizontal spectral ratios of ground motions on the seafloor for moderate magnitude events for the Sagami Bay region in Japan | JOURNAL OF SEISMOLOGY | 25 | 1 | 2021 |
152 | 胡进军 | Characteristics of strong ground motion attenuation in the 2019 M-w 5.8 Changning earthquake, Sichuan, China | JOURNAL OF SEISMOLOGY | 25 | 3 | 2021 |
153 | 谢卓娟 | Empirical relations for conversion of surface- and body-wave magnitudes to moment magnitudes in China's seas and adjacent areas | JOURNAL OF SEISMOLOGY | 25 | 1 | 2021 |
154 | 汪 源、宋晋东 | Magnitude-scaling relationships based on initial P-wave information in the Xinjiang region, China | JOURNAL OF SEISMOLOGY | 25 | 2 | 2021 |
155 | 马 强、陶冬旺 | Topographic site effects of Xishan Park ridge in Zigong city, Sichuan considering epicentral distance | JOURNAL OF SEISMOLOGY | 25 | 6 | 2021 |
156 | 胡进军 | Procedure for Ranking Ground Motion Records Based on the Destructive Capacity Parameter | KSCE JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING | 25 | 1 | 2021 |
157 | 杜 轲 | Progressive-collapse test of slab effects on reinforced concrete spatial frame substructures | MAGAZINE OF CONCRETE RESEARCH | 73 | 21 | 2021 |
158 | 尚帅锟、高 峰 | Research on Relative Velocity Feedback Technology for a Low-Frequency Standard Vibration Table | MAPAN-JOURNAL OF METROLOGY SOCIETY OF INDIA | 36 | 3 | 2021 |
159 | 田英鹏、王 涛 | Offline iterative control method using frequency-splitting to drive double-layer shaking tables | MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING | 152 | 2021 | |
160 | 刘 也 | Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Assessment for the Southeast Coast of China: Consideration of Both Regional and Local Potential Sources | PURE AND APPLIED GEOPHYSICS | 178 | 12 | 2021 |
161 | 孙 锐、袁晓铭 | A holistic equivalent linear method for site response analysis | SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING | 141 | 2021 | |
162 | 黄 鑫 | Experimental study of the influence of gradation on the dynamic properties of centerline tailings sand | SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING | 151 | 2021 | |
163 | 李思汉 | Lateral displacement control of modular-block reinforced soil retaining walls under horizontal seismic loading | SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING | 141 | 2021 | |
164 | 张令心、朱柏洁 | Quasi-static testing and numerical simulation study on seismic performance of reinforced concrete core wall with embedded steel frame under sequentially bidirectional loading | SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING | 148 | 2021 | |
165 | 赵一男、公茂盛 | Bayesian estimation approach based on modified SCAM algorithm and its application in structural damage identification | STRUCTURAL CONTROL & HEALTH MONITORING | 28 | 1 | 2021 |
166 | 张令心、沈俊凯 | A research on an improved Unet-based concrete crack detection algorithm | STRUCTURAL HEALTH MONITORING-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL | 20 | 4 | 2021 |
167 | 黄 勇 | Study on mechanical behaviours of rail fasteners and effects on seismic performance of urban rail viaduct | STRUCTURES | 33 | 2021 | |
168 | 强生银、王宏伟 | 2021年5月21日云南漾濞MS6.4地震随机有限断层三维地震动模拟 | 地球物理学报 | 64 | 12 | 2021 |
169 | 章旭斌、谢志南 | 透射边界高频失稳机理及稳定实现——P-SV波动 | 地球物理学报 | 64 | 10 | 2021 |
170 | 宋晋东、李山有 | 地震预警现地PGV连续预测的最小二乘支持向量机模型 | 地球物理学报 | 64 | 2 | 2021 |
171 | 陶正如 | The Economic Impact Analysis of the 1994 Northridge Earthquake by Deep Learning Tools | ADVANCES IN HARMONY SEARCH, SOFT COMPUTING AND APPLICATIONS | 1063 | 2020 | |
172 | 马加路 | Pseudo-static tests and numerical investigations of triple-tube glass fiber- reinforced polymer and steel buckling- restrained braces | ADVANCES IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING | 12 | 6 | 2020 |
173 | 胡进军、谭景阳 | New GMPEs for the Sagami Bay Region in Japan for Moderate Magnitude Events with Emphasis on Differences on Site Amplifications at the Seafloor and Land Seismic Stations of K- NET | BULLETIN OF THE SEISMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA | 110 | 5 | 2020 |
174 | 张健超、邢 锋 | Water distribution modelling of capillary absorption in cementitious materials (vol 216, 468, 2019) | CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS | 236 | 2020 | |
175 | 郄 毅 | Full-scale hybrid test for realistic verification of a seismic upgrading technique of RC frames by BRBs | EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING & STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS | 49 | 14 | 2020 |
176 | 尚庆学、王 涛 | A benchmark city for seismic resilience assessment | EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING AND ENGINEERING VIBRATION | 19 | 4 | 2020 |
177 | 杜 轲 | Cyclic testing of moment-shear force interaction in reinforced concrete shear wall substructures | EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING AND ENGINEERING VIBRATION | 19 | 2 | 2020 |
178 | 刘永彬、戴君武 | Novel uniaxial concrete constitutive model considering bond-slip effect | EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING AND ENGINEERING VIBRATION | 19 | 3 | 2020 |
179 | 姜 涛、戴君武 | Study of a new-type of steel buckling- restrained brace | EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING AND ENGINEERING VIBRATION | 19 | 1 | 2020 |
180 | 张令心 | Rocking response of self-centring wall with viscous dampers under pulse-type excitations | EARTHQUAKES AND STRUCTURES | 19 | 3 | 2020 |
181 | 曲 哲 | Behavior of masonry infilled Chuandou timber frames subjected to in-plane cyclic loading | ENGINEERING STRUCTURES | 211 | 2020 | |
182 | 曲 哲 | Cyclic loading test of steel coupling beams with mid-span friction dampers and RC slabs | ENGINEERING STRUCTURES | 203 | 2020 | |
183 | 杜 轲 | Seismic performance quantification of buckling -restrained braced RC frame structures under near-fault ground motions | ENGINEERING STRUCTURES | 211 | 2020 | |
184 | 田英鹏、王 涛 | Advances in Real-Time Hybrid Testing Technology for Shaking Table Substructure Testing | FRONTIERS IN BUILT ENVIRONMENT | 6 | 2020 | |
187 | 徐俊杰 | An efficient and unconditionally stable numerical algorithm for nonlinear structural dynamics | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR NUMERICAL METHODS IN ENGINEERING | 121 | 20 | 2020 |
188 | 李永强 | Carbonation of the synthetic calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-H) under different concentrations of CO2: Chemical phases analysis and kinetics | JOURNAL OF CO2 UTILIZATION | 35 | 2020 | |
189 | 王 涛 | Developments of steel-concrete-steel sandwich composite structures with novel EC connectors: Members | JOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTIONAL STEEL RESEARCH | 175 | 2020 | |
190 | 陶正如 | Kappa (kappa) in the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake | JOURNAL OF EARTHQUAKE AND TSUNAMI | 14 | 6 | 2020 |
191 | 曲 哲 | Computational Evaluation of the Functional Loss and Recovery of Individual Buildings | JOURNAL OF PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTED FACILITIES | 34 | 3 | 2020 |
192 | 戴君武 | Seismic Damage Investigation and Seismic Performance Study of Lushan Middle School Gymnasium | JOURNAL OF PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTED FACILITIES | 34 | 3 | 2020 |
193 | 党鹏飞 | Simulation of finite fault hybrid source models for theM(w)6.6 Jiuzhaigou, China, earthquake | JOURNAL OF SEISMOLOGY | 24 | 6 | 2020 |
194 | 曲 哲 | Effects of Strain Rate on the Hysteretic Behavior of Buckling-Restrained Braces | JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING | 146 | 1 | 2020 |
195 | 林旭川 | Seismic Behavior of Welded Beam-to-Column Joints of High-Strength Steel-Moment Frame with Replaceable Damage-Control Fuses | JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING | 146 | 8 | 2020 |
196 | 曲 哲 | Stiffness and Strength Demands for Pin- Supported Walls in Reinforced-Concrete Moment Frames | JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING | 146 | 9 | 2020 |
197 | 冯 谦 | Monolithic multicore fiber based multi- parameter measurement based on spatial- division-multiplex sensing mechanisms | MEASUREMENT | 151 | 2020 | |
198 | 冯 谦 | Multi-parameter monitoring for steel pipe structures using monolithic multicore fibre based on spatial-division-multiplex sensing | MEASUREMENT | 164 | 2020 | |
199 | 党鹏飞 | Simulation of the Jiuzhaigou, China, earthquake by stochastic finite-fault method based on variable stress drop | NATURAL HAZARDS | 103 | 2 | 2020 |
200 | 党鹏飞 | Stochastic finite-fault ground motion simulation for the M-w 6.7 earthquake in Lushan, China | NATURAL HAZARDS | 100 | 3 | 2020 |
201 | 徐培彬、任叶飞 | Observations on Regional Variability in Ground-Motion Amplitude from Six M-w ~ 6.0 Earthquakes of the North-South Seismic Zone in China | PURE AND APPLIED GEOPHYSICS | 177 | 1 | 2020 |
202 | 乔 峰 | Study on the dynamic characteristics of soft soil | RSC ADVANCES | 10 | 8 | 2020 |
203 | 汪 源、宋晋东 | Threshold-based evolutionary magnitude estimation for an earthquake early warning system in the Sichuan-Yunnan region, China | SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | 10 | 1 | 2020 |
204 | 王宏伟、温瑞智 | Attenuation and Basin Amplification Revealed by the Dense Ground Motions of the 12 July 2020 Ms 5.1 Tangshan, China, Earthquake | SEISMOLOGICAL RESEARCH LETTERS | 92 | 4 | 2020 |
205 | 卢建旗、李山有 | Energy- and Predominant-Period-Dependent P-Wave Onset Picker (EDP-Picker) | SEISMOLOGICAL RESEARCH LETTERS | 91 | 4 | 2020 |
206 | 王海云 | In Situ Shear-Wave Velocity Assessment at the Delaney Park Downhole Array, Anchorage, Alaska | SEISMOLOGICAL RESEARCH LETTERS | 91 | 6 | 2020 |
207 | 周 影、任叶飞 | Insights on nonlinear soil behavior and its variation with time at strong-motion stations during the Mw7.8 Kaikoura, New Zealand earthquake | SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING | 136 | 2020 | |
208 | 冀 昆、温瑞智 | Nonlinear seismic site response classification using K-means clustering algorithm: Case study of the September 6, 2018 Mw6.6 Hokkaido Iburi-Tobu earthquake, Japan | SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING | 128 | 2020 | |
209 | 孙柏涛 | Research on the safety assessment of RCworkshop buildings in earthquake site based on the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation | STRUCTURAL CONCRETE | 21 | 5 | 2020 |
210 | 杜 轲 | Experimental investigation of asymmetrical reinforced concrete spatial frame substructures against progressive collapse under different column removal scenarios | STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF TALL AND SPECIAL BUILDINGS | 29 | 6 | 2020 |
211 | 尚庆学、王 涛 | Seismic resilience assessment of emergency departments based on the state tree method | STRUCTURAL SAFETY | 85 | 2020 | |
212 | 李廷辉 | Analysis of time-dependent seismic fragility of the offshore bridge under the action of scour and chloride ion corrosion | STRUCTURES | 28 | 2020 | |
213 | 周中一 | Seismic performance evaluation of assembled GCFST column-section steel beam frames with geopolymer concrete walls | STRUCTURES | 28 | 2020 | |
214 | 董 瑞、景立平 | Seismic deformation mode transformation of rectangular underground structure caused by component failure | TUNNELLING AND UNDERGROUND SPACE TECHNOLOGY | 98 | 2020 | |
215 | 李程程、袁晓铭 | 区域土壤地震液化预测简化方法 | 地球物理学报 | 63 | 5 | 2020 |
216 | 聂桂波 | Collapse of the single layered cylinder shell with model experimental study | ARCHIVES OF CIVIL AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERING | 19 | 3 | 2019 |
217 | 王海云 | In situ assessment of soil dynamic parameters for characterizing nonlinear seismic site response using KiK-net vertical array data | BULLETIN OF EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING | 17 | 5 | 2019 |
218 | 杜春波、王 涛 | Staggered coordination in substructure online hybrid test on a RC frame retrofitted by BRBs | BULLETIN OF EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING | 17 | 7 | 2019 |
219 | 杜 轲 | Relationship between Peak Ground Acceleration, Peak Ground Velocity, and Macroseismic Intensity in Western China | BULLETIN OF THE SEISMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA | 109 | 1 | 2019 |
220 | 李琼林 | Residual deformation and stiffness changes of frozen soils subjected to high- and low- amplitude cyclic loading | CANADIAN GEOTECHNICAL JOURNAL | 56 | 2 | 2019 |
221 | 李 强 | Study on seismic safety evaluation of water supply pipeline networks | CLUSTER COMPUTING-THE JOURNAL OF NETWORKS SOFTWARE TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS | 22 | 2019 | |
222 | 张健超、邢 锋 | Investigating the influence of fly ash on the hydration behavior of cement using an electrochemical method | CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS | 222 | 2019 | |
223 | 张建超、邢 锋 | Water distribution modelling of capillary absorption in cementitious materials | CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS | 216 | 2019 | |
224 | 李吉超、王 涛 | Probability-based seismic reliability assessment method for substation systems | EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING & STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS | 48 | 3 | 2019 |
225 | 曲 哲 | Evaluation of the fishbone model in simulating the seismic response of multistory reinforced concrete moment-resisting frames | EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING AND ENGINEERING VIBRATION | 18 | 2 | 2019 |
226 | 李吉超、曲 哲 | Lessons from the seismic behavior of a steel grid roof structure heavily damaged in Lushan earthquake | EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING AND ENGINEERING VIBRATION | 18 | 1 | 2019 |
227 | 尚庆学、王 涛 | Seismic fragility of flexible pipeline connections in a base isolated medical building | EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING AND ENGINEERING VIBRATION | 18 | 4 | 2019 |
228 | 张令心、朱祝兵 | Cumulative damage effects of mainshock- aftershock sequences on RC-frame structures | EARTHQUAKE SCIENCE | 32 | 3-4 | 2019 |
229 | 王宏伟、温瑞智 | Ground-motion simulation for the M(W)6.1 Ludian earthquake on 3 August 2014 using the stochastic finite-fault method | EARTHQUAKE SCIENCE | 32 | 3-4 | 2019 |
230 | 温瑞智 | Preface to special issue on strong motion | EARTHQUAKE SCIENCE | 32 | 3-4 | 2019 |
231 | 柏 文 | Seismic Fragilities of High-Voltage Substation Disconnect Switches | EARTHQUAKE SPECTRA | 35 | 4 | 2019 |
232 | 马加路 | Effect of wave reflection on failure modes of single-layer reticulated domes subjected to interior blast loading | ENGINEERING FAILURE ANALYSIS | 105 | 2019 | |
233 | 公茂盛、左占宣 | Comparing seismic performances of pilotis and bare RC frame structures by shaking table tests | ENGINEERING STRUCTURES | 199 | 2019 | |
234 | 王 涛 | Experiments and Fragility Analyses of Piping Systems Connected by Grooved Fit Joints With Large Deformability | FRONTIERS IN BUILT ENVIRONMENT | 5 | 2019 | |
235 | 王 涛 | Experimental Study on a Hybrid Coupling Beam With a Friction Damper Using Semi- steel Material | FRONTIERS IN MATERIALS | 6 | 2019 | |
236 | 单振东 | An analytical solution for wave propagation in a semi-infinite medium with a fluid layer subjected to a buried arbitrary cylindrical line source | GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL | 217 | 3 | 2019 |
237 | 单振东 | A semianalytical solution for one-dimensional transient wave propagation in a saturated single-layer porous medium with a fluid surface layer | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR NUMERICAL AND ANALYTICAL METHODS IN GEOMECHANICS | 43 | 13 | 2019 |
238 | 史博元、戴君武 | Investigation on the building structural damages of the Kathmandu nine-story Basantapur Tower in 2015 Nepal M8.1 Gorkha earthquake | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE | 13 | 1 | 2019 |
239 | 戴君武、杨永强 | Shaking Table Test for the 1:5 Architectural Model of Qin-an Palace with Wooden Frame Structure in the Forbidden City | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE | 13 | 1 | 2019 |
240 | 杜 轲 | Integrating of Nonlinear Shear Models into Fiber Element for Modeling Seismic Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Coupling Beams, Wall Piers, and Overall Coupled Wall Systems | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONCRETE STRUCTURES AND MATERIALS | 13 | 1 | 2019 |
241 | 陶正如 | Stock market reactions to the 2011 off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku Earthquake | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DISASTER RISK REDUCTION | 41 | 2019 | |
242 | 聂桂波 | A Damage Constitutive Model of Q345B Steel in Circular Tubes Based on Cyclic Experiments and Its Application on Structure | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STEEL STRUCTURES | 19 | 2 | 2019 |
243 | 张金龙 | Rapid quantification of viable spore used in healing concrete cracks by a simple spectrophotometric method | JOURNAL OF CERAMIC PROCESSING RESEARCH | 20 | 2019 | |
244 | 王宏伟、任叶飞 | Breakdown of Earthquake Self-Similar Scaling and Source Rupture Directivity in the 2016- 2017 Central Italy Seismic Sequence | JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SOLID EARTH | 124 | 4 | 2019 |
245 | 左占宣 | Discussion of Experimental Investigation of Seismic Uncertainty Propagation through Shake Table Tests by Peng Deng, Shiling Pei, John W. van de Lindt, and Chao Zhang | JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING | 145 | 2 | 2019 |
246 | 于坤洋、金 波 | Enhanced thermal conductivity of form-stable phase change materials using carbon nanofiber-expanded graphite hybrid structure | MATERIALS RESEARCH EXPRESS | 6 | 12 | 2019 |
247 | 周惠蒙、王 涛 | A robust linear-quadratic-gaussian controller for the real-time hybrid simulation on a benchmark problem | MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING | 133 | 2019 | |
248 | 徐 丹、王 涛 | Performance study of sliding mode controller with improved adaptive polynomial-based forward prediction | MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING | 133 | 2019 | |
249 | 孙志远 | A closed-loop readout interface for MEMS accelerometer with time-multiplexing electrostatic force feedback | MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS B | 33 | 35 | 2019 |
250 | 解全才 | Study on real-time correction of site amplification factor | NATURAL HAZARDS AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES | 19 | 12 | 2019 |
251 | 王宏伟 | Investigating the Contribution of Stress Drop to Ground-Motion Variability by Simulations Using the Stochastic Empirical Green's Function Method | PURE AND APPLIED GEOPHYSICS | 176 | 10 | 2019 |
252 | 冀 昆、任叶飞 | Near-field velocity pulse-like ground motions on February 6, 2018 M(w)6.4 Hualien, Taiwan earthquake and structural damage implications | SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING | 126 | 2019 | |
253 | 周惠蒙、王 涛 | Reproducing response spectra in shaking table tests of nonstructural components | SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING | 127 | 2019 | |
254 | 冯志仁 | Three-dimensional finite element modelling for seismic response analysis of pile-supported bridges | STRUCTURE AND INFRASTRUCTURE ENGINEERING | 15 | 12 | 2019 |
255 | 谢志南 | 弱形式时域完美匹配层——滞弹性近场波动数值模拟 | 地球物理学报 | 62 | 8 | 2019 |
256 | 聂桂波 | Damage evaluation of square steel tubes at material and component levels based on a cyclic loading experiment | ADVANCES IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING | 10 | 9 | 2018 |
257 | 聂桂波 | Seismic behavior study on a space double-layer lattice structure with a lower supporting structure | ADVANCES IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING | 10 | 11 | 2018 |
258 | 孔慧敏 | Lead and strontium isotopes as tracers to investigate the potential sources of lead in soil and groundwater: A case study of the Hun River alluvial fan | APPLIED GEOCHEMISTRY | 97 | 2018 | |
259 | 徐 曼、张令心 | Experimental study on the seismic behaviour of sleeve joint for beam-column connection | AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING | 16 | 2018 | |
260 | 温瑞智 | Single-Station Standard Deviation Using Strong-Motion Data from Sichuan Region, China | BULLETIN OF THE SEISMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA | 108 | 4 | 2018 |
261 | 任叶飞 | Source Characteristics, Site Effects, and Path Attenuation from Spectral Analysis of Strong- Motion Recordings in the 2016 Kaikoura Earthquake Sequence | BULLETIN OF THE SEISMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA | 108 | 3B | 2018 |
262 | 李琼林 | Experimental investigation on dilatancy behavior of frozen silty clay subjected to long- term cyclic loading | COLD REGIONS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY | 153 | 2018 | |
263 | 王 淼、孟上九 | Experimental validation of vibration-excited subsidence model of seasonally frozen soil under cyclic loads | COLD REGIONS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY | 146 | 2018 | |
264 | 王啸霆、王 涛 | An experimental study of a damage- controllable plastic-hinge-supported wall structure | EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING & STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS | 47 | 3 | 2018 |
265 | 谢礼立、曲 哲 | On civil engineering disasters and their mitigation | EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING AND ENGINEERING VIBRATION | 17 | 1 | 2018 |
266 | 林旭川 | Quantitative investigation on collapse margin of steel high-rise buildings subjected to extremely severe earthquakes | EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING AND ENGINEERING VIBRATION | 17 | 3 | 2018 |
267 | 王 淼、孟上九 | Shear strength of frozen clay under freezing- thawing cycles using triaxial tests | EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING AND ENGINEERING VIBRATION | 17 | 4 | 2018 |
268 | 王 涛 | Stability of an explicit time-integration algorithm for hybrid tests, considering stiffness hardening behavior | EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING AND ENGINEERING VIBRATION | 17 | 3 | 2018 |
269 | 孙柏涛、张桂欣 | Study on vulnerability matrices of masonry buildings of mainland of China | EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING AND ENGINEERING VIBRATION | 17 | 2 | 2018 |
270 | 周惠蒙、王 涛 | Velocity plus displacement equivalent force control for real-time substructure testing | EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING AND ENGINEERING VIBRATION | 17 | 1 | 2018 |
271 | 徐培彬、温瑞智 | Comparison of strong-motion records and damage implications between the 2014 Yunnan M(S)6.5 Ludian earthquake and M(S)6.6 Jinggu earthquake | EARTHQUAKE SCIENCE | 31 | 1 | 2018 |
272 | 陈龙伟 | Characteristics and Triggering Conditions for Naturally Deposited Gravelly Soils that Liquefied Following the 2008 Wenchuan M-w 7.9 Earthquake, China | EARTHQUAKE SPECTRA | 34 | 3 | 2018 |
273 | 朱柏洁、王 涛 | Quasi-static test of assembled steel shear panel dampers with optimized shapes | ENGINEERING STRUCTURES | 172 | 2018 | |
274 | 柏 文 | Seismic response of potential transformers and mitigation using innovative multiple tuned mass dampers | ENGINEERING STRUCTURES | 174 | 2018 | |
275 | 李 强 | Earthquake-Induced Building Recognition Using Correlation Change Detection of Texture Features Based on SAR Data | GEODETSKI LIST | 72 | 2 | 2018 |
276 | 单振东 | Analytical solution for the transient response of a fluid/saturated porous medium half-space system subjected to an impulsive line source | GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL | 214 | 2 | 2018 |
277 | 刘启方 | Simulations of strong motion in the Weihe basin during the Wenchuan earthquake by spectral element method | GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL | 215 | 2 | 2018 |
278 | 王宏伟、任叶飞 | Source parameters, path attenuation and site effects from strong-motion recordings of the Wenchuan aftershocks (2008-2013) using a non-parametric generalized inversion technique | GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL | 212 | 2 | 2018 |
279 | 孙志远 | Study of closed-loop high-resolution sigma- delta for a MEMS accelerometer | IEICE ELECTRONICS EXPRESS | 15 | 2 | 2018 |
280 | 聂桂波 | Study on Dynamic Behavior of Single-Layer Reticulated Dome by Shaking Table Test | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STEEL STRUCTURES | 18 | 2 | 2018 |
281 | 陈 浩、丰 彪 | Seismic Performance to Emergency Centers, Communication and Hospital Facilities Subjected to Nepal Earthquakes, 2015 | JOURNAL OF EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING | 22 | 9 | 2018 |
282 | 聂桂波 | Seismic Damage Investigation and Seismic Performance Study of Space Double-Layered Lattice Structure | JOURNAL OF PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTED FACILITIES | 32 | 2 | 2018 |
283 | 冀 昆、温瑞智 | Introduction of conditional mean spectrum and conditional spectrum in the practice of seismic safety evaluation in China | JOURNAL OF SEISMOLOGY | 22 | 4 | 2018 |
284 | 单振东 | Analytical solution for the transient wave propagation of a buried cylindrical P-wave line source in a semi-infinite elastic medium with a fluid surface layer | JOURNAL OF SOUND AND VIBRATION | 414 | 2018 | |
285 | 匙庆磊 | On the extraction technique of the single-coil self-feedback signal on a standard vibration table | JOURNAL OF VIBRATION AND CONTROL | 24 | 18 | 2018 |
286 | 王 巍 | Analysis of the disaster characteristics and emergency response of the Jiuzhaigou earthquake | NATURAL HAZARDS AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES | 18 | 6 | 2018 |
287 | 王建飞、张景发 | Indirect seismic economic loss assessment and recovery evaluation using nighttime light images - application for Wenchuan earthquake | NATURAL HAZARDS AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES | 18 | 12 | 2018 |
288 | 张兆鹏 | Briefing: A new method for determining the slope reduction range | PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS- GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING | 171 | 2 | 2018 |
289 | 张力方 | Scenario-Based Seismic Hazard Analysis for the Xianshuihe Fault Zone, Southwest China | PURE AND APPLIED GEOPHYSICS | 175 | 2 | 2018 |
290 | 任叶飞 | Strong-Motion Observations of the 2017 M-s 7.0 Jiuzhaigou Earthquake: Comparison with the 2013 M-s 7.0 Lushan Earthquake | SEISMOLOGICAL RESEARCH LETTERS | 89 | 4 | 2018 |
291 | 王 涛 | Experimental validation of RC shear wall structures with hybrid coupling beams | SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING | 111 | 2018 | |
292 | 李琼林 | Investigation of unsaturated frozen soil behavior: Phase transformation state, post- peak strength, and dilatancy | SOILS AND FOUNDATIONS | 58 | 4 | 2018 |
293 | 马加路 | Failure modes and failure mechanisms of single- layer reticulated domes subjected to interior blasts | THIN-WALLED STRUCTURES | 132 | 2018 | |
294 | 谢志南 | 常Q滞弹性介质地震波动数值模拟——时域本构优化逼近 | 地球物理学报 | 61 | 10 | 2018 |
295 | 金 震 | 利用气枪地震资料对福建及台湾海峡南部地壳三维P波速度结构研究 | 地球物理学报 | 61 | 7 | 2018 |
296 | 周中一 | Experimental study on seismic performance of low-rise recycled aggregate concrete shear wall with single-layer reinforcement | ADVANCES IN STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING | 20 | 10 | 2017 |
297 | 王宏伟 | Simulating Ground-Motion Directivity Using Stochastic Empirical Green's Function Method | BULLETIN OF THE SEISMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA | 107 | 1 | 2017 |
298 | 冀 昆、温瑞智 | Correlation of Spectral Accelerations for Earthquakes in China | BULLETIN OF THE SEISMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA | 107 | 3 | 2017 |
299 | 任叶飞、温瑞智 | Five parameters for the evaluation of the soil nonlinearity during the Ms8.0 Wenchuan Earthquake using the HVSR method | EARTH PLANETS AND SPACE | 69 | 2017 | |
300 | 谢志南 | Analysis of high-frequency local coupling instability induced by multi-transmitting formula-P-SV wave simulation in a 2D waveguide | EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING AND ENGINEERING VIBRATION | 16 | 1 | 2017 |
301 | 王福彤 | Green's function of multi-layered poroelastic half-space for models of ground vibration due to railway traffic | EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING AND ENGINEERING VIBRATION | 16 | 2 | 2017 |
302 | 解全才、陈 浩 | Seismic damage to road networks subjected to earthquakes in Nepal, 2015 | EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING AND ENGINEERING VIBRATION | 16 | 3 | 2017 |
303 | 柏 文、戴君武 | Experimental and analytical studies on multiple tuned mass dampers for seismic protection of porcelain electrical equipment | EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING AND ENGINEERING VIBRATION | 16 | 4 | 2017 |
304 | 张 钰、 | Substructure hybrid testing of reinforced concrete shear wall structure using a domain overlapping technique | EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING AND ENGINEERING VIBRATION | 16 | 4 | 2017 |
305 | 杨 洋、陈龙伟 | A depth-consistent SPT-based empirical equation for evaluating sand liquefaction | ENGINEERING GEOLOGY | 221 | 2017 | |
306 | 曲 哲 | Cyclic loading test of double K-braced reinforced concrete frame subassemblies with buckling restrained braces | ENGINEERING STRUCTURES | 139 | 2017 | |
307 | 张 雷 | Electro-Osmotic Chemical Treatment for Marine Clayey Soils: A Laboratory Experiment and A Field Study | GEOTECHNICAL TESTING JOURNAL | 40 | 1 | 2017 |
308 | 冀 昆、任叶飞 | Site classification for National Strong Motion Observation Network System (NSMONS) stations in China using an empirical H/V spectral ratio method | JOURNAL OF ASIAN EARTH SCIENCES | 147 | 2017 | |
309 | 任叶飞 | Implications of Local Sources to Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Analysis in South Chinese Coastal Area | JOURNAL OF EARTHQUAKE AND TSUNAMI | 11 | 1 | 2017 |
310 | 陈 浩 | Seismic Damage to Structures in the 2015 Nepal Earthquake Sequences | JOURNAL OF EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING | 21 | 4 | 2017 |
311 | 林旭川 | Bolted Built-Up Columns Constructed of High- Strength Steel under Combined Flexure and Compression | JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING | 143 | 2 | 2017 |
312 | 陈 浩 | Seismic damage to schools subjected to Nepal earthquakes, 2015 | NATURAL HAZARDS | 88 | 1 | 2017 |
313 | 于啸波、孙 锐 | Resonant Column Test on the Frozen Silt Soil Modulus and Damping at Different Temperatures | PERIODICA POLYTECHNICA-CIVIL ENGINEERING | 61 | 4 | 2017 |
314 | 孙柏涛 | Design principles for stiffness-tandem energy dissipation coupling beam | SMART STRUCTURES AND SYSTEMS | 20 | 1 | 2017 |
315 | 王苏阳、王海云 | An alternative method for estimating Vs(30) from a shallow shear-wave velocity profile (depth < 30 m) | SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING | 99 | 2017 | |
316 | 李程程、袁晓铭 | A new method for mapping liquefaction- induced lateral spread level | SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING | 100 | 2017 | |
317 | 任叶飞、温瑞智 | Imprint of Rupture Directivity From Ground Motions of the 24 August 2016 M(w)6.2 Central Italy Earthquake | TECTONICS | 36 | 12 | 2017 |
318 | 周惠蒙 | Equivalent force control combined with adaptive polynomial-based forward prediction for real-time hybrid simulation | STRUCTURAL CONTROL & HEALTH MONITORING | 24 | 11 | 2017 |
319 | 王多智 | The energy-based failure mechanism of reticulated domes subjected to impact | THIN-WALLED STRUCTURES | 119 | 2017 | |
320 | 聂桂波 | Damage quantification, damage limit state criteria and vulnerability analysis for single- layer reticulated shell | THIN-WALLED STRUCTURES | 120 | 2017 | |
321 | 谢志南 | 弱形式时域完美匹配层 | 地球物理学报 | 60 | 10 | 2017 |
322 | 王宏伟、任叶飞 | 2017年8月8日九寨沟Ms7.0地震震源谱及震中区域品质因子 | 地球物理学报 | 60 | 10 | 2017 |
323 | 袁晓铭 | 汶川地震砾性土液化场地特征解析 | 地球物理学报 | 60 | 7 | 2017 |
324 | 胡进军 | 俯冲带地震动特征及其衰减规律探讨 | 地球物理学报 | 60 | 5 | 2017 |
325 | 单振东 | A semi-analytical solution for the transient response of one-dimensional unsaturated single-layer poroviscoelastic media | COMPUTERS AND GEOTECHNICS | 76 | 2016 | |
326 | 陈 浩 | Seismic damage to structures in the M (s)6.5 Ludian earthquake | EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING AND ENGINEERING VIBRATION | 15 | 1 | 2016 |
327 | 王多智、戴君武 | Shake table tests of suspended ceilings to simulate the observed damage in the M (s)7.0 Lushan earthquake, China | EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING AND ENGINEERING VIBRATION | 15 | 2 | 2016 |
328 | 张辰啸、聂桂波 | Experimental studies of the seismic behavior of double-layer lattice space structures I: Experimental verification | ENGINEERING FAILURE ANALYSIS | 64 | 2016 | |
329 | 单振东 | An analytical solution for the transient response of a semi-infinite elastic medium with a buried arbitrary cylindrical line source | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOLIDS AND STRUCTURES | 100 | 2016 | |
330 | 胡进军 | Characteristics of strong ground motions in the 2014 M-s 6.5 Ludian earthquake, Yunnan, China | JOURNAL OF SEISMOLOGY | 20 | 1 | 2016 |
331 | 曲 哲 | Subassemblage Cyclic Loading Tests of Buckling-Restrained Braced RC Frames with Unconstrained Gusset Connections | JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING | 142 | 2 | 2016 |
332 | 谢志南 | A perfectly matched layer for fluid-solid problems: Application to ocean-acoustics simulations with solid ocean bottoms | JOURNAL OF THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA | 140 | 1 | 2016 |
333 | 陶正如 | Strong motion PGA prediction for southwestern China from small earthquake records | NATURAL HAZARDS AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES | 16 | 5 | 2016 |
334 | 王苏阳 | Site-dependent shear-wave velocity equations versus depth in California and Japan | SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING | 88 | 2016 | |
335 | 何先龙、佘天莉 | 一种地震P波和S波初至时间自动拾取的新方法 | 地球物理学报 | 59 | 7 | 2016 |
336 | 王海云 | A New Method for Estimating V-S(30) from a Shallow Shear-Wave Velocity Profile (Depth < 30 m) | BULLETIN OF THE SEISMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA | 105 | 3 | 2015 |
337 | 温瑞智 | Rupture Directivity from Strong-Motion Recordings of the 2013 Lushan Aftershocks | BULLETIN OF THE SEISMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA | 105 | 6 | 2015 |
338 | 孙柏涛 | Design and development of safety evaluation system of buildings on a seismic field based on the network platform | EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING AND ENGINEERING VIBRATION | 14 | 1 | 2015 |
339 | 林旭川 | Field investigation on severely damaged aseismic buildings in 2014 Ludian earthquake | EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING AND ENGINEERING VIBRATION | 14 | 1 | 2015 |
340 | 胡进军 | Strong motion characteristics of the M (w) 6.6 Lushan earthquake, Sichuan, China - an insight into the spatial difference of a typical thrust fault earthquake | EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING AND ENGINEERING VIBRATION | 14 | 2 | 2015 |
341 | 刘启方 | Three-dimensional simulations of strong ground motion in the Shidian basin based upon the spectral-element method | EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING AND ENGINEERING VIBRATION | 14 | 3 | 2015 |
342 | 孙柏涛 | Damage characteristics and seismic capacity of buildings during Nepal M (s) 8.1 earthquake | EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING AND ENGINEERING VIBRATION | 14 | 3 | 2015 |
343 | 曲 哲 | Seismic Damage to Masonry-Infilled Timber Houses in the 2013 M7.0 Lushan, China, Earthquake | EARTHQUAKE SPECTRA | 31 | 3 | 2015 |
344 | 曲 哲 | Lessons from the Behavior of a Monitored 11- Story Building during the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake for Robustness Against Design Uncertainties | EARTHQUAKE SPECTRA | 31 | 3 | 2015 |
345 | 曲 哲 | Seismic responses of reinforced concrete frames with buckling restrained braces in zigzag configuration | ENGINEERING STRUCTURES | 105 | 2015 | |
346 | 公茂盛 | Seismic intensity map and typical structural damage of 2010 Ms 7.1 Yushu earthquake in China | NATURAL HAZARDS | 77 | 2 | 2015 |
347 | 王福彤 | 轨道附近地面振动模型中的饱和地层动力格林函数 | 地球物理学报 | 58 | 8 | 2015 |
348 | 章旭斌 | 透射边界高频耦合失稳机理及稳定实现——SH波动 | 地球物理学报 | 58 | 10 | 2015 |
349 | 单振东 | Analytical solution for the 1D consolidation of unsaturated multi-layered soil | COMPUTERS AND GEOTECHNICS | 57 | 2014 | |
350 | 单振东 | Exact solution for the 1D transient response of saturated single-layer poroviscoelastic media | COMPUTERS AND GEOTECHNICS | 59 | 2014 | |
351 | 卢建旗、李山有 | A hybrid inversion method of damped least squares with simulated annealing used for Rayleigh wave dispersion curve inversion | EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING AND ENGINEERING VIBRATION | 13 | 1 | 2014 |
352 | 袁晓铭 | A whole-space transform formula of cylindrical wave functions for scattering problems | EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING AND ENGINEERING VIBRATION | 13 | 1 | 2014 |
353 | 刁红旗、胡进军 | Effect of seawater on incident plane P and SV waves at ocean bottom and engineering characteristics of offshore ground motion records off the coast of southern California, USA | EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING AND ENGINEERING VIBRATION | 13 | 2 | 2014 |
354 | 公茂盛 | Identification of model structure parameters via combination of AFMM and ARX from seismic response data | EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING AND ENGINEERING VIBRATION | 13 | 3 | 2014 |
355 | 许卫晓、孙景江 | Shaking table comparative test and associated study of a stepped wall-frame structure | EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING AND ENGINEERING VIBRATION | 13 | 3 | 2014 |
356 | 陶冬旺 | Experimental validation of a signal-based approach for structural earthquake damage detection using fractal dimension of time frequency feature | EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING AND ENGINEERING VIBRATION | 13 | 4 | 2014 |
357 | 孙柏涛 | New characteristics of intensity assessment of Sichuan Lushan 4.20 M (s)7.0 earthquake | EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING AND ENGINEERING VIBRATION | 13 | S1 | 2014 |
358 | 赵 真 | A Preliminary study on the seismic conceptual design | EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING AND ENGINEERING VIBRATION | 13 | S1 | 2014 |
359 | 温瑞智 | Temporary strong-motion observation network for Wenchuan aftershocks and site classification | ENGINEERING GEOLOGY | 180 | 2014 | |
360 | 任叶飞 | Recent progress of tsunami hazard mitigation in China | EPISODES | 37 | 4 | 2014 |
361 | 聂桂波 | Failure Pattern of Singe-layer Reticulated Dome under Severe Earthquake and Its Shaking Table Test | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STEEL STRUCTURES | 14 | 2 | 2014 |
362 | 何先龙 | New Method for High-Speed Railway Bridge Dynamic Deflection Measurement | JOURNAL OF BRIDGE ENGINEERING | 19 | 7 | 2014 |
363 | 聂桂波 | Seismic performance evaluation of single-layer reticulated dome and its fragility analysis | JOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTIONAL STEEL RESEARCH | 100 | 2014 | |
364 | 林旭川 | Bolted beam-to-column connections for built- up columns constructed of H-SA700 steel | JOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTIONAL STEEL RESEARCH | 101 | 2014 | |
365 | 陶正如 | Short-term economic effect of the M7.0 Lushan Earthquake | NATURAL HAZARDS | 70 | 2 | 2014 |
366 | 孙得璋 | A Methodology for Multihazards Load Combinations of Earthquake and Heavy Trucks for Bridges | SCIENTIFIC WORLD JOURNAL | 2014 | ||
367 | 温瑞智 | Strong-Motion Observations of the Lushan Earthquake on 20 April 2013 | SEISMOLOGICAL RESEARCH LETTERS | 85 | 5 | 2014 |
368 | 任叶飞 | 2013年4月20日四川芦山地震强地面运动三要素特征分析 | 地球物理学报 | 57 | 6 | 2014 |
369 | 王海云 | 土层场地的放大作用随深度的变化规律研究——以金银岛岩土台阵为例 | 地球物理学报 | 57 | 5 | 2014 |